Problem1 hello world $mkdir pset1 //創建一個目錄pset1 $cd ./pset1 //進入pset1目錄 check50 2016.hello hello.c //CS50 IDE提供的檢查檔案是否正確 submit50 cs50/2017/x/hello //提交檔案如下圖所示 Problem2 water Suffice it to say that the longer you shower, the more water you use. But just how much? Even if you have a "low-flow" showerhead, odds are your shower spits out 1.5 gallons of water per minute. A gallon, meanwhile, is 128 ounces, and so that shower spits out 1.5 × 128 = 192 ounces of water per minute. A typical bottle of water (that you might have for a drink, not a shower), meanwhile, might be 16 ounces. So taking a 1-minute shower is akin to using 192 ÷ 16 = 12 bottles of water. Taking (more realistically, perhaps!) a 10-minute shower, then, is like using 120 bottles of water. Deer Park, that’s a lot of water! Of course, bottled water itself is wasteful; best to use reusable containers when you can. But it does pu...